Week 1

Fri On my first day at the Fablab, we set up my e-mail and my internal messaging account. I started with creating a website (this website) for documention of my work here at the lab. The path to using a SSG tool is frustrating.

Week 2

Mon I set up my website as I wanted and published my first post. You can find the detailed explanation of how to use GitHub and Jekyll to publish your own personal website here

Tue I started preparing the Lasercutting Course for Maker Skills Courses, which will be offered to creatives who want to familiarize themselves with various CAM tools.

Wed Continued preparing the Lasercutting Course.

Thu Finished preparing the Lasercutting Course. It is ready for review.

Fri Farah gave a tutorial on 3D Scanning with Sense and 3D Printing with Prusa i3MK3S. We scanned and printed my head together. I prepared the documentation on how to use the 3D scanner for head scanning.

Week 3

Mon I set up Waag GitLab Documentation with MkDocs. I wrote a beginner’s how-to on 3d printing with Prusa.

Tue Started researching on my final project, which will be a digital jacquard loom.

Wed I decided to start by making a 4 shaft manual loom. I want a foldable model so that it would be easy to carry. I started modelling the loom on Rhinoceros.

Thu I further modelled the loom and researched on lock parts and ratchets which will be used in the operation of the loom. The lock parts will be used in the folding and unfolding of the loom and ratchets will easily roll the threads/woven fabric towards to weaver but hold in place once they are released.

Fri Farah gave a tutorial on how to use the vinyl cutter and heat press. I realized the vinyl cutter was not working properly. Although we applied more than the suggested force, it was not cutting. So I started looking for solutions. One of the problems I found was that the screws on the end bit and also the one holding it in place were loose.

Week 4

Mon I recut my design on the vinyl cutter with screws properly screwed. Therefore, I was able to reduce the power to 90. I realized the knife catched at some points but it seemed fine otherwise. When I tried to take of the frame from design, it was impossible. So I concluded that the knife was also blunt. I changed the blade. It started cutting perfectly, and with 60 power.

Tue I started preparing the Vinylcutting Maker Skills Course presentation.

Wed I prepared a voronoi definition on Rhinoceros, Grasshopper. I challanged myself to prepare a voronoi definition on Rhinoceros, Grasshopper. It had been a while since I used Grasshopper. I was happy at the end when the definition worked. I also cut it on the vinylcutter. Afterwards, I tried the drawing bit for the vinylcutter in addition to the blade bit. Since I tried them on the same design, I was able to observe that there was a shift where they were supposed to juxtapose. I postulate that there can be three reasons: I shifted the axis of the machine while changing the bits, the rollers do not hold the material fixed in position. Mods make variations in processing the SVG images.

Thu I used the vinylcutter with heat transfer vinyl and used the heat press to transfer the design on a t-shirt. We hosted the open thursday and I got the chance to model a nostril dialator after request. I 3D printed the first prototype, modified the model upon

Fri We did the lasercutting tutorial with Farah. Today, I had to lasercut for the sake of learning the procedure, but I would like to prepare and make a lampshade. I finished the Vinylcutting Maker Skills Course presentation and its documentation on this webpage. We will hold a workshop on making electronics on the 6th of October. I tried my hand on soldering Trippy RGB parts on a PCB and it worked, THE LED SHONE BRIGHT!

Week 5

Mon Hazal gave Eleni and me the PCB milling with Modela tutorial.

Tue I finished documenting on the Lasercutting and PCB milling. I did some tidying and cleaning on the website. I am happy with how it turned out.

Wed I soldered my UART board.

Thu I posted on the Fablab website, continued working on Lasercutting Maker Skills Tutorial.

Fri I researched print settings for TPE filament. I printed Prototype 2 of nasal dialator. I got the chance to help Fabricademy students with their Rhinoceros models.

Week 6

Mon I focused on a personal project. Tue I did personal documentation. We did planning and preparation with Michelle for the Waag Open workshop we will hold this Thursday. The workshop will be about PCB making. Each participant will solder their own Trippy RGB.