Following is a step-by-step explanation of how I set up Gitlab with MkDocs to work on Waag documentation.


The Waag Gitlab account keeps the files/folders necessary to run the website.

Open Waag Gitlab

Go to the repository you would like to work on/you have been granted access to.

Hit Clone and copy the HTPPS address.

Open GitHub Desktop (see more about GitHub Desktop here)

Hit the down arrow next to Current Repository. Click add and paste the HTPPS link copied from Gitlab. You will be directed to enter your Gitlab username and password, do so and clone remote repository to a local folder.


MkDocs is an SSG (static site generator). For Waag Documentation, we use MkDocs.

Download MkDocs following the steps on their website (notice, you need Python to run MkDocs. So if you do not have Python, download it too.)

You need to download MkDocs Material with a version older than 5. So I downloaded version 4 following the steps here. I typed command:

pip install mkdocs-material=="4.*"

Start running your repository locally:

cd "path to your repository"

mkdocs build

mkdocs serve

On your browser go to http://localhost:4000/